Friday, June 26, 2009

The Origin of #FreudianFriday

A glimpse into the mind of Nico...

So I was tired of seeing all these FollowFriday tags on Twitter and realizing that no one would want to suggest that people follow me.

Instead of complaining (and thus possibly guilting someone into doing it), I created FreudianFriday so that the first FollowFriday I see, I post my weeks FreudianFriday.

Alas, it has not caught on beyond me.

More of me to love?

That is the hope at least.

HOLLYWOOD KILLS will be released on DVD in North America on July 21st by Osiris Entertainment.

DORKS (Co-written by John Severin) will have a script reading this Saturday June 27th with the hope to lens in Late Summer/Early Fall.

Looking at the future with hopeful eyes.